Research Article Critique Guidelines-Quantitative.pdf
Research Article Critique Guidelines-Qualitative.pdf
I was asked about the format of your criqitue, so would like to clarify here for your reference. Since it's article critique, please make sure your responses to the critique questions are more than yes/no answers. In other words, please support your answers with sufficient evidence from the articles of your choice. To excell in this project, you may also want to refer to the AERA report standards we covered in the beginning of the semester. The actual documents are available under "course materials" at the side bar.
Sample Article Critique: Please note that in no way is this a template for you to follow. This is merely an attempt to show you how you may critique the articles of your choice. Please be aware that the critique of quantitative and qualitative articles differs. This is only an example of a quantitative article critique! Enjoy the project!
sample article under review.pdf
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